This house is a private residence. Please respect the privacy and property of the owners.
Sarah and Thomas Ball had had nine sons and three daughters, including Nathaniel, Ezekial, Aaron, Timothy and Jonas. In 1744, Jonas Ball married Hannah Bruen and built a home next to his father’s on the north side of Tuscan Road on a 47.5 acre property that was a part of his father’s original property. In 1750, Jonas Ball, acquired 18 acres on the south side of Tuscan Road and built a stone structure that was known as the Spring House. That structure was used as a cooperage, taking advantage of a natural spring on the property, hence the name “Spring House.” It was also used as a milk-house and for residential purposes.
There is a fine sweet gum tree about 75-feet tall, between the house and garage, near the southeast property line, that is reported to be more than 200-years old.
Jonas Ball House
Posted: March 1, 2013 by mhpc
This house is a private residence. Please respect the privacy and property of the owners.
Sarah and Thomas Ball had had nine sons and three daughters, including Nathaniel, Ezekial, Aaron, Timothy and Jonas. In 1744, Jonas Ball married Hannah Bruen and built a home next to his father’s on the north side of Tuscan Road on a 47.5 acre property that was a part of his father’s original property. In 1750, Jonas Ball, acquired 18 acres on the south side of Tuscan Road and built a stone structure that was known as the Spring House. That structure was used as a cooperage, taking advantage of a natural spring on the property, hence the name “Spring House.” It was also used as a milk-house and for residential purposes.
There is a fine sweet gum tree about 75-feet tall, between the house and garage, near the southeast property line, that is reported to be more than 200-years old.
Jonas Ball House Designation Report
Category: Designated Buildings, Featured Posts